National Drug Shortages: Can Compounding Pharmacies Assist?
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Compounding Pharmacy & National Drug Shortage

Can Compounding Pharmacies Help With Drug Shortage?

| by: Deneen Fumich, RPh | Article Posted: January 30, 2023 |

As parents, grandparents and caregivers, we all can relate to the feeling of helplessness when our children become ill. But we all have had the relief of knowing that we can provide not only comfort but supportive care with liquid antibiotics and pain relievers. However, over the last year, we have been challenged with obtaining prescribed antibiotics and viewing empty over the counter pharmacy shelves. Imagine your feelings and anxiety when a pharmacy says, we are out of stock for your prescribed antibiotic or seeing bare empty shelves of your favorite fever reducer for your child. What can we do?

Amid the tripledemic of flu, COVID and RSV, articles have been written in November 2022 for shortages of the most common antibiotic, Amoxicillin. To date, Amoxicillin is still listed on the FDA’s Drug Shortage List. Because of demand for alternative antibiotics, pharmacies are having a hard time keeping the shelves stocked to meet physicians’ prescriptions.

To add to this, if you look at your pharmacies over the counter section, you will see empty shelves of liquid acetaminophen and ibuprofen used for reducing fevers. The manufacturers state there is not a shortage but a higher demand for the products.

If supportive or at home care is not enough, what is the other option? Most communities now have established compounding pharmacies. Compounding pharmacies have the knowledge and expertise to prepare antibiotics and fever reducers following FDA and USP requirements and recipes. Further, FDA has issued 2 guidance documents for the compounding pharmacies:

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